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Say What?

No one sets out to create content that is murky and impenetrable – except perhaps a politician delivering bad news. 

But too often, after communication winds its way through writing, editing and approval, the finished work is utterly forgettable. 

Why is meaningful and memorable communication so hard to do? 

A big part of the problem is that we love our jargon. We think “scalable” and “robust” and “learnings” make us sound authoritative and credible. We think they make us look like one of the cool kids. Or we use jargon to hide the fact that we don’t understand what we’re saying or haven’t thought through the point we want to make.

We confuse and lose our audience.

This blog is a guide to creating communication that is clear, concise and conversational. (And balanced in the use of consonants.) I will post real examples (names changed to protect the dignity of the perpetrator) and rewrite them so they are digestible and even delectable.

I’ll also point you to resources and tools that can help you be clear.

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